Earth-Satellite Orbital Mechanics

Satellite Simulator using Newton's Law of motion: F = dp/dt and Gravitation: FG = G m1m2/r2. Phasespace (position,momentum) propgated using Runge-Kutta4 method. There are three bodies: the earth, and two satellites whose properties are input into the 1 and 2 boxes. To get 3D projection, change the eye coordinates to something different from the default top-down view.

coordinates1: coordinates2: Re
velocity1: velocity2: km/s
mass1: mass2: earth masses
Color1: Color2: RGBa units
size1 size2 earth radii
trail-width1: trail-width2: px
trail-skip1: trail-skip2: steps
Fire Thrusters
Simulation & Drawing
a-vector scale
v-vector scale
eye at
timeStep seconds.
draw v and a vectors?