TG51 second check (cylindrical chamber with pulsed beam)

This online TG51 spread sheet is meant as a secondary independent check of TG51 measurement, or for educational purposes. It should not be used as a primary calculation since as no warranties are provided. The program calculates the relevant chamber dependent factors after a chamber is chosen from the list and $\%dd(10)_x$ or $R_{50}$ is provided. The values for $k_Q$ are chosen from the fit $k_Q = A + B\cdot 10^{-3} \cdot \%dd(10)_x + C\cdot 10^{-5} \cdot (\%dd(10)_x)^2$, given in the TG51 Addendum (McEwen et al. 2014) Table I.

If a photon energy is selected, the electron specific entries are grayed out, and are highlighted with lavender if an electron energy is selected. The calcualtion is performed whenever an entry is change, or the calc button is pressed. Multiple columns can be appended using the 'append column' button below. The table data can be saved into a local file by copying the data text from the I/O box below (JSON format). Pasting the text from the saved file can later be used to populate the table using the 'read' button.

$P_{ion}$ and $P_{pol}$ can be typed directly if those are known in advance, in which case, the reading at opposite polarity and lower voltage should not be entered.

I/O bar
Institution Physicist Date

Chamber model
Chamber s/n
Cavity radius  [cm]
$N_{D,w}^{^{60}\text{Co}}$  [cGy/nC]
$R_{50}$ [cm]
$d_\text{ref} = 0.6 R_{50} - 0.1$  [cm]
$T$  [°C]
$P$  [mmHg]
$M_{\text{raw}}^+$  [nC]
$M_{\text{raw}}^-$  [nC]
$M_{\text{raw}}^H$  [nC]
$M_{\text{raw}}^L$  [nC]
$M_{\text{raw}}(d_\text{ref}+0.5 r_\text{cav})$  [nC]
$D_\text{10cm}^\text{ph}$ or $D_{d_\text{ref}}^\text{e-}$  [cGy]
clinical $\text{TMR}_{10\times10}(10)$ or $\frac{1}{100}\text{PDD}(d_\text{ref})$
MU delivered
$\frac{D}{\text{MU}}$ at $d_\text{max}$ [cGy/MU]