Data Operations and Graphing

The program performs data operations on a two column dataset Set1 = $\{x,f(x)\}$ and outputs to Set2 = $\{x_2,f_2(x_2)\}$. Enter the data in the left text area below. Select operation and enter parameters if required (change the default parameters). Then press the Green button to generate the output set. It can also plot graphs. Datasets can be appended in the graph one after another. For operations between set 1 and 2, the output goes to set3. For the binary operations, the Set2 is re-cast using $x$-values from set1. Use delete curve with curve index to remove a curve from the graph. Click on the line next to the legend to toggle curve visibility.

optional file upload


unary operation $f \rightarrow f_2$

binary operation $(f, f_2) \rightarrow f_3$

swap plot delete graphMode